2 Timothy 3:10-17

Which Christian parent would not urge their own children to go on in the faith? Which Christian parent would not try to be a model for their own children? Which youth leader would not want those they lead to know more about Jesus? It is in that sense that our lifestyle, our faith, our perseverance, […]

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One of the problems that I have faced when it comes to talking about suffering is this! When someone asks they would like to know the answer in approximately one minute or less. I personally do not think it is possible to answer the question in a minute or less. The next problem is phrasing […]

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2 Timothy 1:8b An invitation to suffer

As far as invitations go, you mightn’t think too much of this one! We like invitations that speak of fellowship, personal advantage, even comfort but an invitation to join someone in suffering, for the gospel, isn’t really that exciting. I can well imagine that young Timothy would think to himself, “I’m not at all sure […]

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2 Corinthians 11:16-33 Foolish Boasting

The Corinthian Christians didn’t seem to mind a little arrogance, a little overconfidence, a little assertiveness, certainly it appears that they despised humility. A great man was to boast, to be proud enough to sing of his own achievements. Thus, the so called “Super Apostles” or “False Apostles” that came into Corinth happily exaggerated their […]

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2 Corinthians 1:1-11 God of Comfort

Every aspect of Christ’s sufferings, leading to the cross, on the cross, were designed by God to bring about our salvation. Christ’s suffering and death are immensely powerful and effective in God achieving his purposes in the world. In the same way our sufferings and even death can be used by God to his glory.

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1 Peter 2:4-10 Jesus our Cornerstone

God wants us to live a life that would bring glory and honour to the son who saved us. God wants us to live a life that would be in keeping with who Christ is. Peter’s letter goes on to encourage us to see Christ as the example for Christian living. New Testament worship is […]

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