Jonah is someone that should have felt embarrassed about his behaviour. Compared to the sailers he was an embarrassment to God and his people. 1. Jonah, cared nothing for the life of the Ninevites – The sailors cared for Jonah’s life. In the same vain – Jonah had no compassion – the sailors had compassion. […]
Each Christian has to overcome their own fears – fears of being humiliated, fears of being unacceptable, fears of physical persecution, fears of standing out in a crowd. Paul and multitudes of other Christians before you have had to think about it before saying that they are not ashamed of the gospel. Alastair Begg writes […]
The verse we are looking at tonight is the key verse around which Martyn Lloyd Jones writes his book, “I am not ashamed.” I personally have always found this verse encouraging and I suppose it has some nostalgia for me as when I was growing up Mum used to belong to a choir, and they […]
I think one of the reasons as to why we are so often ashamed to stand up for Jesus, is because we have taken for granted what Christ has come to achieve. Why would we be embarrassed about our Christian faith, or embarrassed about Christ or embarrassed about the preachers of God in the world? […]