The sixth part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we look at The Tower of Babel from Genesis 11. At the Tower of Babel, mankind attempted to become God, but God in his mercy scattered them so that one day through his Son, he would gather them together as his people.
The fourth part of ‘The Road to Calvary’ series from the Gospel of Mark.
If there are lessons to be learnt from Asa for us as individuals is that as Christians, we can become less gracious and in fact harsh as we become older. The more important lesson is that we start to rely on ourselves too much and less on God! Our natural inclination is to rely on […]
Continuing in Daniel we see because of his pride that Nebuchadnezzar is brought low by God so that being restored he would then exalt God. In the same way, people today need to be brought low to the point where they will turn to God. We look at The problem of Pride, how it has […]
The city of Laodicea was independent. After a particularly bad earthquake, where much of the city was destroyed, they said to the Roman government, that they could look after themselves. They were proud people, who didn’t need any help! The church itself, seemed to reflect the character of the city. They too were proud and […]
The Corinthian Christian were into comparing and it lead them to feelings of superiority, which in turn lead to divisions and discord in the church. They compared their leaders and felt superior because of which leader they followed. They got excited about who had baptised them and felt superior for that reason. Later on, Paul […]