This week, we have a bonus follow-up message to the series we finished last week, ‘The Road to Calvary,’ on the ascension of Jesus. The ascension can often be overlooked as just a small detail in the gospel account, but join us as we explore seven reasons why the ascension matters much more than you […]
This moment on the road to Emmaus leads to a discovery for the disciples on their journey which changed their lives eternally. An understanding of who the man journeying with them and what it is that has happened can change our lives also. Jesus was raised to life, resurrected – and for those who believe […]
Paul opens up this section of Romans 8 by acknowledging that the result of sin has brought suffering. Yet compared with the glory to come for the Christian, our suffering and trials are not worth comparing. As God’s children, we must expect suffering, even as evidence that we are truly God’s children and disciples. So […]
We celebrate today the good news that Jesus has risen from the dead! But why is it good news? What are the implications of the resurrection? What difference does it and should it make in the lives of Christians today? We look at the disciples who knew Jesus was dead but then heard he was […]
In this parable we see that something is going to happen and that therefore there is something we have to do. Jesus has come once and he’s coming back again. When he returns, he will take with him to heaven, to the marriage supper of the lamb, all those who have accepted him as their […]