The second part of a two part series on 2 John. After discussing the signs of an authentic Christian church last week, Rev Colin Grant walks through the commitments of an authentic Christian church. There are four points. An authentic Christian church is committed to: 1. Recognise False Teaching 2. Run from False Teaching 3. […]
The problem with these men (false teachers) was that they had an amazing power to deceive. They used the right kind of language! They might have spoken very religiously and even Christianly. Because of their trickery or magic arts they had the power to impress people. They were men who were impressive but were diametrically […]
“But mark this”; “But know this”; “But understand this.” There will be terrible times in the last days.” There will be dark days in the last days! That is abundantly clear from scripture. Yet, the battle is not just between the Christian Church and our society but inside the Christian Church itself. The battle Paul […]