This morning we wrap up our series on the Signs of Power in John. Each sign is written in John so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name! (John 20:31). The raising of Lazarus is the final … […]
Join us for our third sermon in Philippians as we dive into the profound truth behind Paul’s famous declaration, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Find out how living for Christ brings purpose and how the hope of being with Him in death liberates us to live fearless lives […]
Philip Ryken said this: “God is the main character of this chapter; he is the hero, or protagonist. Thus the lessons to be learned from 1 Kings 17 are not about Elijah primarily…but they are really about the living God.” Aaron takes us through this resurrection story with three main points: 1. From Life to […]
Following on from Stephen’s sermon, we see the result, as he is put to death by the Jews. The Jews do not see the error of their ways this leads to Stephen seeing Jesus and finally, we now see the fulfilment of Jesus’ words. The disciples are scattered into Judea and Samaria just as Jesus […]
By nature of human beings, we are united to Adam. But for the believer, we are now instead united to Jesus. Being united to Adam we are born into sin and receive the condemnation for his sin resulting in death. Being united to Jesus, we instead are justified and made right with God because of […]
Romans 1:18 tells us that the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. There will be a final day when Jesus returns and the wrath of God will be revealed at that time. Yet this verse says that it is being revealed now. So in what ways do we see the […]
This Easter Day message considers the popular secular opinion that sees people trying to live their best life now. Jesus death and resurrection, however, shows us that the best is yet to come! Unless we follow Jesus today we will never experience the best that is yet to come and neither can we find true […]
In this parable we see 2 men, 1 storm and 2 outcomes. Digging down deep to lay foundation like the wise man is hard, and in the parable the hearing and then doing the words of Jesus are compared to the energy of digging down deep enough to find solid rock. Our obedience to God’s […]