We continue our series on the Works of Power from John, looking at Jesus feeding the 5,000. As we’ve seen already, each sign points forward to something far greater, and today, we’ll see the bread Jesus provides for the crowd points us forward to something far far greater – and that is the Bread of […]

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Genesis 1 – “Creation and Man”

This is the first part of a new sermon series entitled “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” This morning we focus on Creation, which is the foundation to this all. In this sermon Gerald explores this statement in light of the Creation account found in the first chapter of Genesis: “if it isn’t literally true […]

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Paul opens up this section of Romans 8 by acknowledging that the result of sin has brought suffering. Yet compared with the glory to come for the Christian, our suffering and trials are not worth comparing. As God’s children, we must expect suffering, even as evidence that we are truly God’s children and disciples. So […]

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Christmas Carols Service

Using a ‘Christingle’ as a visual aid, the children made their own as each part helped explain the meaning of Christmas. An orange to represent the world. A red ribbon representing Jesus blood shed for the sins of the world. 4 sticks of fruit to represent the 4 corners of the earth and the 4 […]

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