We seem to live in a world today where tolerance is seen as a virtue. The only thing not tolerated is intolerance. This 4th letter, to the church in Thyatira, addresses a church who are commended for their love, faith, service and perseverance. And on top of that their latter works exceed the first, yet […]

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In His 2nd letter, to the church in Smyrna, Jesus addresses a church that face severe persecution. The danger for them and for Christians today is that we might compromise. We possibly do not face death for our faith but must die to ourselves (Luke 9:23). We can grow weary in the temptation of the […]

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Romans 1:1-17 Longing for Rome

In the 2nd week of our series in the book of Romans, we see Paul longing to go to Rome.  We discover why he has this longing, because of his mission in life given to us in verse 5, to bring about the obedience of faith among all the gentiles for the sake of God’s […]

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The important thing is to exercise the freedom we have in Christ in a loving and sensitive way. I don’t believe a person can say to you, “Well I have a weak conscience, so you have to give up doing something.” Rather, I think the onus is on the person who knows they are not doing anything […]

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The word “yoked” means that you have lost independent movement. In that sense, we cannot see ourselves as a church, or me as a minister, formalising a marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian. That would see two people yokes together who are not united spiritually. It of course does bring up many other difficult […]

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This “Third Mark” of what it is to be a true Church, according to the Reformers, is church disciple, and it is something that we rebel against. Many people, from the community, would find the whole idea of Christian discipline obnoxious. Western society supports individual rights and individual freedom! We live in a world, where […]

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