Young Adults Evening Service. “Why bother with going to church? Because Jesus bothered to save us, and wants to see more saved. We are called to be God’s family, his embassy, to see God preached to a lost world. Are you bothered to go to church? Does it bother you that people are missing out […]

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In this further ‘Song of Ascent’ the pilgrims have arrived in Zion. After the journey to get there, they arrive in the place where they will worship God. The psalmist here rejoices though in ‘dwelling together in unity’ with God’s children. Being with the people of God gives him great joy. Indeed the psalm paints […]

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Matthew 13:51-52 New and Old

In hearing a good teacher, applying God’s Word, we hear both wonderful ancient truths and new truths. Or ancient truth applied in a fresh way! These truths are not brand new or have never been heard of before but truths that touch out hearts and lives in a fresh and vigorous way. Truths that remind […]

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