Theme: We can find hope in God’s treatment of the Nations Points: 1. The Battle 2. Hope in the Judgment 3. Hope in Knowing God
Theme: Judgement is Certain! Point One: Living in Denial Point Two: Living in Delay Point Three: Living in Expectation
Theme: God changes hearts to dwell with His people Points: 1. Things are not always what they seem 2. True heart change is needed 3. The result of heart change
Installation Service of Albert Couperus. Theme: God equips us for our calling.
This morning we work through the vision found in Ezekiel 1 and are reminded of the Glory of God. We look at the picture of the vision found in this chapter and then the meaning of the vision.
Christmas Day service 2024!
Our 2024 Christmas Carols message. We take a look at the significance of the names found in this passage of Matthew!
It’s our second to last sermon in Philippians! Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. We can be blown about by strains in our relationships, anxiety can rear its ugly head, and it can be tempting to stick our head in the sand and hope it just blows over. But that is not the way it needs […]
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