The Bible distinguishes between marriage and casual sexual relationships by virtue of the three characteristics… Namely, the creation of a separate household, the permanence of the relationship and the becoming of the one flesh union. Sadly, the church has often felt okay about leaving a man or women in limbo, happy that they haven’t applied for […]
Our freedom in Christ is what matters and we are free to marry or not, depending on our inclinations and desires. Today, we are looking at God’s Word and re-assessing these verses and at the end I hope you would be able to say that the gift of singleness or marriage is in fact nonsense […]
What really helps in understanding this passage is asking ourselves this question. Is Paul giving his own opinion or is he quoting the Corinthians’ suggestion? We tend to read it as Paul giving his own opinion but look at it this way. “Now concerning the things about which you wrote: (Corinthians wrote…) It is good for […]
The lesson from these verses is to consider how we speak and reassess our whole concept of justice. Paul says, “Be careful how you express yourself.” If it is all about you, you will simply look like anyone else in the world – you have defeated yourself already. Secondly, Paul tells us that when we […]
This “Third Mark” of what it is to be a true Church, according to the Reformers, is church disciple, and it is something that we rebel against. Many people, from the community, would find the whole idea of Christian discipline obnoxious. Western society supports individual rights and individual freedom! We live in a world, where […]
The Corinthian Christian were into comparing and it lead them to feelings of superiority, which in turn lead to divisions and discord in the church. They compared their leaders and felt superior because of which leader they followed. They got excited about who had baptised them and felt superior for that reason. Later on, Paul […]
The Christians in Corinth had their opinions and they started to rate their leaders according to their personalities and their so called, gifted-ness. Instead of seeing them as fellow workers they stood back and made their judgements. One admired Apollos another Paul and another Peter. They would argue about who they thought was more impressive […]
The phrase, “Beauty in the eye of the beholder” is something that we see particularly when it comes to our perspective of the church and God’s perspective of the church. From our perspective, we see a lot of faults and problems. We look at ourselves or the church and we see failure, we see division, […]