Taking stock of the year that has gone by and looking ahead to the New Year, can be helpful in considering if we have grown in our faith this past year. A spiritual review of the year is like a spiritual health check, asking questions about certain areas of our faith to consider our maturity […]
What Paul is doing right throughout this letter is putting steal into Timothy’s weak frame. Timothy was timid, shy, reserved and young. Timothy not only had to deal with his character, which was naturally reserved but he had to deal with a political atmosphere that was anti-Christian, plus a difficult congregation, plus those who had […]
Paul goes through immense difficulties and in fact suffers many disappointments, the greatest being that those he should have counted as friends were not there for him. What made the difference was that God was by his side and sustained him. Lord will, we too will be alongside those who we consider to be Christian […]
Some people really had it in for Paul, like Alexander the metal worker. Paul warns Timothy about him and then says that he has handed him over to the Lord. The question for us is how we deal with these kind of hurts and what it means to hand a person over to the Lord.
We tend to perceive Paul as a spiritual giant amongst men and he is. He was the greatest missionary for the Lord Jesus Christ that ever walked on the earth. He was a man that penned a great deal of the New Testament. We might possibly perceive him to be a man who was so […]
There are no holidays in regard to the Christian life, no sabbaticals, no retirement, no taking the foot off the pedal and coasting. We are at war and the spiritual battles (Ephesians 6) never ceases. The Devil is like a roaring lion looking for victims and we can’t simply walk away from this war. As […]
I wonder at times about our ability to stand firm and not be swayed by popular opinion? The thing is this! I think every person I know wants to be liked! For many people, the way to be liked is to blend in and to cave into the group or the crowd you are in. […]