The third of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. Following Jesus means we enter a Kingdom of love: love that is radical and selfless. This love radically reorients how we treat other people, even those from whom we might typically recoil or despise.

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Luke 5:27-32 – “Follow Me!”

The second of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He’s calling us to considerably more than a change of mind or beliefs. Sure, we start with what we believe about Him, but like His call to Levi, following Him means taking decisive action.

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Patience is one segment of the fruit of the Spirit which is developed by the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. So how healthy is that segment in your life? And if you are patient, what are you patient for? What perspective does your patience have? This is a challenging subject, but to […]

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